Saturday, September 27, 2014

We Have Been Busy!

Wow!  We have been so busy these past few weeks!
We celebrated Grandparent's Day and enjoyed visiting with our special guest.

The students have been working hard during Writer's Workshop each day!
Since we are beginner readers and writers, the students are focusing on telling stories with their illustrations.  After they have drawn detailed illustrations I encourage them to add labels to their pictures and attempt writing that matches their illustrations.

Our writing unit focuses on the Writing Standard:
I can use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event. (W.K.3)

We have also learned a few new games to practice letters and sounds.
The students enjoy playing "Skeeter Swat".  I call out a letter, or a letter sound, and the first student to swat the letter with the flyswatter gets to continue playing. This game is a class favorite! 

We like to fish, too!  Last week we went fishing for letters, words, and numbers during Morning Meeting.  As the students pulled a "fish" from the pond they sorted them in a pocket chart.

Here a few pictures of the students working hard at our classroom enrichment centers.

Check back soon to see the Literacy Centers we are learning about and the many activities we are doing during our unit on apples!

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