Holy smokes! There is so much to share! Hang in there...this is a long post!
Here are a few pictures of our morning centers during our color week.
When we had finished the color unit we did a fun math lesson using M&M's. The students sorted, counted and recorded the data from their packs.
The students LOVED this activity :)
Each day we practice Reader's Workshop. During this time the students select books that they would like to read. At this stage in kindergarten many of the students are unable to read independently. However, we talk a lot about different ways to read a book, take a picture walk, make up your own words or story, etc. We also talk about how to be a book lover, not a book bully. Book lovers hold the book correctly, read the whole time, and return their book back to the correct box.
I have been amazed at how well the students have done during this portion of the day. To my pleasant surprise they all READ! All of them! Before we leave for lunch I choose a few students to share what they've read. They love it!
We've also learned how to rotate through literacy centers. Here are pictures of the listening, word study, computer, and magnetic centers.
This week we will begin our pumpkin unit. The students will each plant pumpkin and corn seeds as we begin fall. We will tend to the plants daily and record data on which plants grow faster.
We love the blog, thank you for keeping us posted :)